Okay, 8 weeks pregnant and everyone I know is posting about cheesecake, not good. Pinterest is seriously killing me and I just couldn't take it anymore. Sadly, the days of going to the store and buying cheesecake are long over. It has now been almost 7 months of eating gluten free, and at this point...there is no going back. :) So goal this week, was to discover a great Gluten Free Cheesecake. There is the option to buy it in the store, but cheesecake is expensive enough without it being gluten free. I found a recipe for a basic New York Cheesecake online, but whats cheesecake without chocolate?!? So, I changed it up a bit.
This is the easiest recipe I could possibly find when it comes to cheesecake, I wasn't about to go all out and use the 20 ingredients required on other recipes. Just a little out of our budget...which I have already manage to blow. Next time, Maybe...Anyway, on to yummy chocolate cheesecake.
Recipe: Yields 8-12 servings
2 cups of crushed pecans
2/3 cup of softened butter (NOT MELTED)
3/4 cup brown sugar
2 cups coconut flour
4 – 8 oz bars of gluten free cream cheese, softened
1 cup of granulated sugar
2 eggs
¼ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon gluten free vanilla
1/2 cup dark chocolate chips
1/2 cup peanut butter chips
Preheat oven to 350' F
Start with the crust.
I bought a bag of pecans, while still in the bag, cut a tiny slit at the top just to let the air out. Use a hammer or something with a flat end to crush the pecans. Now there may be an easier way to do this, but this method worked fine. Put crushed pecans in bowl. Add butter, brown sugar and flour. Using your hands kneed the mixture till it becomes slightly crumbly but will hold its form. Lightly spray your 9" pan. Then using your hands spread the crust mixture on bottom of pan and up the sides. Making it 1/4 inch thick. I then added a handful of dark chocolate chips. Set aside while you make the filling.
DISCLAIMER: I tried baking the crust for a few minutes before adding the filling...didn't work too well, the butter melted and the sides fell down. If this happens throw it in the freezer then reform the sides. But the chocolate at the bottom melted nicely.
Now for the filling. Having a kitchen aid mixer is a lifesaver! Add cream cheese, softened, sugar, eggs, salt and vanilla and mix well. It shouldn't be runny, the batter should hold its form but be soft enough to manage. Melt chocolate chips and peanut butter in microwave and add to filling.
After mixing it all together use a spatula to pour into pan being sure to avoid the sides at first so your crust doesn't get mixed in with the batter. Sprinkle any extra pecans over top and put in oven for 30-45 minutes.
Make sure the filling is cooked thoroughly by sticking a knife in the center. It should come out clean. Using a spatula go around the outside edges of the cake to loosen sides from pan.
Let cool, do not take the sides off your pan until it is completely cooled. Top with extra Chocolate Chips and Peanut Butter Chips, throw in fridge overnight preferably, and enjoy! :)