Friday, August 3, 2012

Don't Stand Still, MOVE!

Sometimes life gets in the way and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. This time, the reason I was MIA was all good. Well, Great! I didn't fall off the wagon, give up on GF eating or anything depressing like that. Last week I got to throw a reception for my new nephew in Indy where my parents live. Between party planning, working, and trying to keep my house from looking like a war zone I have been crazy busy and blogging got put on the back burner. But, alas, I am back. Hopefully things will slow down a little bit now, but ya know how it goes. Life sure keeps you on your toes.

Noah Eli at his Reception 
I am proud to say I have gone 9 weeks of GF eating! I am surprised at how easy it has been. Unfortunately there have been some instances of cross contamination. When we went out of town we ate out at quite a few restaurants. Even though they claimed the dish would be GF, I definitely don't think they were. I definitely didn't feel good for a couple days. Now I am back on track and feeling myself again and loving every minute of eating healthy.

With all of this craziness going on lately, its time to get back on track. Time to get my workout routines in on a daily basis and keep losing this weight! Its okay when life gets in the way, whether good or bad. You just have to get back up and move on. Looking and feeling good is something you have to work on daily. It's a constant choice to be healthy. From what you put in your mouth to what you do after work. Do you choose to sit on the couch and watch t.v. or get up off your bum and go for a walk. Do what you can. Just because you aren't running marathons doesn't mean you aren't as good as those who are. It just means you are at a different level. Stop trying to kill yourself and work on moving.

A friend of mine also has a blog and this last weekend she posted that she lost 50 lbs! I am so proud of her and what a motivation to me to get going again. I desperately want to be fit and healthy, but I also know that it isn't something that will happen over night. It will take hard work, determination, and lots of support from loved ones. She spoke of how supportive her husband is and if you are married and trying to lose weight, you can relate to that statement. Having a supportive spouse can make or break you. This doesn't mean saying "go workout, don't eat that, you don't look any different." Keep those negative comments to yourself. As she said, nobody wants a baby-sitter. No one needs to hear that. Instead, try complementing and encouraging them by your actions, not your words. Offer to workout with them, be excited about healthy meals, and do your best to stay positive.
My husband (Jon) and I at the reception for my nephew Noah Eli
Here is the link to my friends blog!

I am so lucky to have a husband that was willing to go GF. I couldn't imagine trying to cook two different meals. I would probably go insane and it would make going GF nearly impossible. I am truly blessed with an amazing man who will support me in all of my endeavors.

So, on to working out, eating right, and being healthy. Your body will thank you and so will the new girl in the mirror. Someday, I will get to the point where I love every bit of me, right now, I am not content with where I am at. Its a start, but I still have a long way to go. For now, all I can do is my best.

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