Wednesday, July 18, 2012

30 Day Abs & Core Challenge

Photo retrieved on July 18, 2012 from: here

Here we go, the challenge that could make or break me. But I am optimistic and excited. Today was day one of the thirty day Ab Challenge and it was not easy. My abs are killing me already! Definitely looking forward to reaching day 30. I am ready to have a body that I love and this is just another step in the journey to the healthy happy me. So today, I weighed in and measured and on we go to a new me. 

Retrieved on July 18, 2012 from: here

The basic motions in this workout are as follows,
  • In-N-Outs- 25 reps.
  • Bicycles- 25 reps.
  • Crunchy Frog- 25 reps.
  • Cross-Leg/Wide Leg Sit-ups- 25 reps. per side 
  • Scissors- 25 reps.
  • Hip-Butt Ups- 25 reps.
  • Heels to Heavens- 25 reps.
  • Roll-up/V-sit ups- 25 reps.
  • Leg Climbers- 25 reps.
  • Kayakers- 25 reps.


  • Cobra Stretch
  • Child sit

Always, Always, Always stretch before and after any workout. It is a must. 

 Here is a link to the original blogger who will show you all the moves if you are interested in doing the 30 day challenge. There are a couple that I can't do YET without hurting myself, due to a weak core, so until I can get my core strengthened I am substituting a couple of these moves with crunches, peddle pushers, and stair-steppers. The point is, to find an Ab workout that works for you. Don't feel bad if you need to adjust. Better safe than sorry. You can always work in the harder moves once you get farther along. 

Retrieved on July 18, 2012 from: here

I can't say that I am aiming for a six pack, yet. Right now, my goal is to flatten my belly and get rid of this pooch. If I get to my goal weight, from there I will work on toning and tightening. Again, one thing at a time, don't want to overdue it. :) Looking forward to working hard, sweating, and getting in shape. It feels so good!

Retrieved on July 18, 2012 from: here

A great friend of mine is doing this with me as well, check out her blog! Two Golden Spoons

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