Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What a Girl Wants...Sports

There is something very satisfying and rewarding that comes from playing a sport. It wasn't until high school that I joined any sports team. I was in volleyball, cheerleading, and softball, and I absolutely loved it. I thrived being able to spike that ball or hit that home run. Now, grant it, I am not a pro. I wouldn't even go as far as saying I was great but I was good and I did enjoy it. The feeling of success after a match or game was such a high, whether we won or lost. I just loved it. It wasn't till I graduated and was no longer playing on a team that I realized how much I loved it. I longed for it and wanted to be active again, but hitting the gym did not quench that thirst for sports.

I love being active, I hate working out. The repetitive motions of just walking or doing crunches bores me. I will do it, but its not "fun." I'd much rather go play a game of volleyball as a workout than run a mile. 

A couple nights ago, my husband and I broke out the tennis rackets and hit the court. I suck at tennis. I am absolutely horrible. I am lucky if I can get it over then net, then when I do, it usually goes over the fence. Its bad. But I had a blast! I loved getting active and just playing a sport. I was so deprived of my love for sports that I was willing to go play tennis. Thats really saying something. :) 

My husband, on the other hand, is really pretty good. He played in high school and the poor thing has to put up with my horrible abilities on the tennis court. It was fun watching him get into it and showing off with his powerful serves. Lets just say, I wasn't able to return a single one, he really had to take it easy on me. But I loved it. Sports and time with my hubby, a girl couldn't ask for more. 

So the last couple nights we have gone to play tennis, and I am looking forward to going again tonight after work. Now if only I could get him to play volleyball with me, but in that case I think I would be taking it easy on him. I miss volleyball. When we went to the store and purchased our tennis balls I couldn't help but be drawn to the volleyball isle. Holding a volleyball in my hands again "felt like   home."  Brings back so many fun memories. :)

 So my next goal is to find some friends to play volleyball with, cause this girl needs her sports.
JV Volleyball Junior Year
Cheerleading Junior Year
Senior Year ECS Invitational Tournament: 1st Place

1 comment:

  1. Hope you can find some ladies to play volleyball with!!!
    I know that would make you very happy. :-)
