Monday, July 2, 2012

Every Little Bit Counts!

That's right ladies and gents! Down a pant size. After only a month of GF eating I am down a size. :) YAY!

I am starting an exercise routine back up called TTap. It is an intense 15 minute workout a day. 15! Minutes! That's it! :) Let me tell ya it works.  The first stage is 14 days straight. Which is the hardest part to do. You definitely get sore but it is worth it. After that you go every other day. So starting today I am doing the 14 days. Hopefully it will help with toning as I lose weight.

Yesterday was awesome, busy day, but fun. We made Ham, green beans and potatoes for lunch/dinner. It was delicious and SUPER! EASY!

Coat the bottom of a large pot with a little bit of oil and heat on low/med heat. Slice 1/2 of a medium sized onion and add to pot. Then add three slices of bacon and cook till browned and crispy. While those simmer cut your ham into small dices and add those to the pot. By adding them before the water they will get a nice brown coat on the sides.

Once the ham is slightly browned add 8 cups of water and turn the heat up to high. Then take your red potatoes cut into fourths and add them to the pot as well. Then add the green beans. I used fresh green beans which required snapping the ends off.

Cook them until the potatoes are soft and cooked through. Then enjoy!

You can freeze the broth to use later as a base, since GF broth is hard to come by...and expensive.

I had left over ham and green beans that I put into food saver bags to freeze. If you are eating fresh fruits and vegetables a food saver is a life saver. It is so easy to use and it keeps your food fresh longer.

1 comment:

  1. Uh oh...I just got back to work after our staff lunch out. I didn't eat GF and I did eat until I was FULL. Now I wish I hadn't...

    Congratulations on your success!!!
